Printed nylon
About Us
Adl Plastic Khavar Production Company with more than 35 years of experience with the brand (produced by Adl Nylon) in the past and then in 2004 with the brand name of Adl Plastic Khavar Company to expand and modernize its machines and devices.
producing section
Adl Plastic Khavar Company has used the best and most quality raw materials in order to improve the quality level of its products and has equipped its production lines with the best European fully automatic machines and devices to take a step towards producing products according to consumer tastes ...

printing services
Ways to contact us
Contact Phones
Telephone central office : 021-339069150
021-33964671 Headquarters fax : 021-33935912
Farid Golkhoi: 09123437685
Farid Golkhoi: 09123437685
factory phone : 36425550-3
Massoud Khorsand: 09122216877
Massoud Khorsand: 09122216877